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Arnaud Behety


Arnaud Behety is an architect practising in Paris, who graduated from École Nationale SupĂ©rieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg. He honed his craft through studies at prestigious institutions, including École Nationale SupĂ©rieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville and Universitatea de Architectura si Urbanism Ion Mincu in Bucarest.
Arnaud is renowned for his innovative design approach, with a portfolio showcasing exceptional projects. His award-winning scenography for “Hamlet” stands as a testament to his creative prowess. His transformative concept for “Hamlet” reimagined the Elsinore Castle as a dynamic, scene-stealing character, earning him top honours in a national scenography competition organized by the Lowendal Foundation in Bucarest. As an active contributor to architectural discourse, Arnaud serves on the editorial committee for “Chronique COMPA,” a platform for insightful architectural discussions. Arnaud is also a contributory author for the publication (EsthĂ©tique des Structures) of the Association Architecte-IngĂ©nieur IngĂ©nieur-Architecte with a chapter entitled “Le projet architectural dans l’espace vidĂ©oludique, le cas de la ville de Midgar dans FF7″.